Bodhi Oak Zen Center and Sangha

Dear Friends,

“Flowers fall, though we love them…” (Dogen Zenji)

Our flower, our Zendo, Bodhi Oak Zen Center, will close on December 31, 2024. The simple fact is that we are growing old; the heavenly messengers are calling and we must turn out attention to them. We will stop our Sunday sittings and Dharma Talks immediately.

Our Director, Rev. Kushin Patti Van Vleet, is retiring to give her attention to her health. Many of our faithful members have moved away from Oakhurst, and it has proved difficult to staff the Zendo on Sundays.

I want to extend my most profound gratitude to Patti for her steady hand and deep commitment to the Dharma, and for shouldering the responsibility of directing the Zendo through the continuing challenge of the post-pandemic era. I know that you have benefitted from her skill and wisdom as a teacher.

Although the Zendo will close, and the Sunday services and Dharma talks will end, our daily Zazen Zoom sittings will continue. In addition, we will maintain our corpration, Bodhi Oak Zen Sangha, and plan some short offerings in 2025.

Farewell, my dear friends. In the Dharma,

Myogo Mary-Allen Macneil
Founding Teacher
Bodhi Oak Zen Sangha

Ongoing Programs


Support your daily meditation practice by joining us on most days at 8 AM and 8 PM PT on Zoom. 30 minutes of silent seated meditation introduced by three bells and closed by one. 

Just sitting, together, on Zoom.

8:00-8:30 AM Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

8:00-8:30 PM Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat

Please email us at [email protected] for the Zoom link and password.

If you wish to join this program, please email our Director ([email protected]), to introduce yourself and get details. In this way, we protect the safety and integrity of the group.